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        > Too Bad if You're Not Our Type! -- SRF Guardians
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Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(11/24/01 2:29 pm)
Too Bad if You're Not Our Type! -- SRF Guardians
"[Guardians] know what the rules say, where the lines are drawn, and with a cocked ear and a sharp eye they are able to detect the smallest hint on non-compliance, the slightest degree of deviation, violation and transgression."

Daya Mata, Mrinalini Mata, and possibly Uma Mata and Cindy Davis are what are called Guardians according to the highly respected Keirsey Temperament Sorter. Not sure about Ananda Mata since she is so invisible to the public.

This is a long post, and when I submit long posts few respond to them. BUT this is information you don't want to pass up because it is a treasure trove of phrases and keywords which will lead you to insight. Let's what Keirsey has to say about Guardians.....


"Guardians seem drawn to the role of social protector, standing watch against the insecurities of life, searching for ways to defend -- both themselves and others -- against loss, defeat, and disappointment, but also against what many of them regard as the irresponsibility of human nature. "

"Guardians naturally assume the role of society's gate-keeper, standing guard at the door and keeping a watchful eye on the coming and going of the people under their jurisdiction. Those without proper credentials (outsiders) cannot be allowed through, those who ignore boundaries (trespassers) must be caught and reprimanded, and those who think they have the right just to barge in (gate-crashers) need to be stopped and expelled --- 'shown the door' as [they] tend to say."

"They are also inclined to caution others about the danger of committing moral transgressions --- 'It wouldn't be right to do that.' And when their warnings are ignored they are the most likely of all to chide or reprove the transgresssor, for they are reluctant to let others get away with much."

"Pessimistic in Looking Ahead" ....."Because so many of their efforts are holding actions, trying to maintain the status quo in fast-paced, ever-changing situation, Guardians have learned to expect the worst."

"Change for a Guardian is unsettling" Guardians are the " keepers of tradition, of custom, of continuity with the past.....the new, the improvised, and the innovative, seem almost an affront to time-honored traditions, and are certainly unsettling."

"Let us think of the Guardians as the Security Seeking Personality. "

Vocational Interest of Guardians: "... office work and clerical jobs -- keeping records, checking inventory, attending to correspondence, filing, accounting -- with the brightest of them becoming executives, adminisitrators, plant or office managers, CPA's, bankers, brokers, insurance underwriters..."

Unregistered User
(11/25/01 1:17 am)
Have you tried to change something in SRF? What happened?
Excellent posting
What you have said RB, is the core issue of many, many disappointments. Interpersonal relationships with Guardians can become extremely difficult as soon as you want to innovate or change something. Has anyone tried to change something in SRF? What was the result?

Sometimes I joke that typology is an exact science. Based on their type, I can predict how late a friend will come for dinner -- for example. One of my friends is an INFP. His "P" (Probing factor) is very high, so I never rush when if we will meet. One hour late is normal for him!

If anyone of you has a guardian wife or husband and wants to change something at home, surely understand what Keirsey is trying to say about Guardians disliking change. Nevertheless, Guardians are delightful people, honorable, responsible, devoted, loyal and so on. However, if you want to change something be prepare for a fight -- or just not even try!

There is one more thing about the Guardians which is crucial here -- they are not your best teacher in town, you know! Teaching, counseling, the social sciences are the strength of the idealists type. The guardians as Keirsey says, can do an excellent job in administration, as plant or office managers, CPA's, bankers, brokers, insurance underwriters and so on.

But in SRF the Guardians felt they had to be the "Keepers of the teachings too" -- to keep them pure. So, they not only administered but also ministered -- in writing! They wrote the lessons, and books, and obviously -- they are poor teachers -- and they created a mess with Master's ideas. They created the SRF paradigm based on "their" interpretations of Master's insights and ideas. So, no wander that now, such paradigm is rigid, extremist, unfriendly, tough minded, discourage creativity in many ways (remember that they do not like changes) and military minded. They should have allowed people like Mukti Mata to write the teachings, perhaps Durga Mata, or even Kriyananda. But, they obsessed so much with the purity of the teachings (meaning: NO CHANGES OK!) and they wrote the lessons themselves. Unless the teachings are rewritten by real teachers, I can't see a solution to the SRF many, many, many, issues.

Now we wander why we have so many problems in SRF.......It is so simple. We are living a paradigm created by Guardians. If you are a Guardian you can survive; if you are not, they will eventually get rid of you, or you will get sick and leave. To stay in SRF you got to "follow the rules, and not try to change anything....

This is why it is indispensable to learn about typology to understand what is going on in SRF. Again I recommend "Please understand Me" by David Keirsey.

Rigiditananda (Trying to attain ananda through the rigidity of the Guardians)

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