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Registered User
(1/18/02 11:46 am)
Re: A different perspective
Thanks, Ari, for the beautiful post.

I tune out the SRF reinforcing statements and tune into the truth in the techniques that are taught.

This is so appropriate. Discerning the wheat from the chaff. I'm very happy you have the discrimination and awareness to see the difference.

As to other teachers, I'm still unloading SRF bias of other teachers. SRF wants us to see only one perspective: theirs. God has the whole picture, not SRF. I entail to see God's perspective and withhold judgement of others and other organizations. I mean, isn't the same spark of the Divine in all people? Isn't Truth everywhere?

I would like to hear more of your experiences from the Buddhist tradition. We inspire each other in our search for God.

Pig Ma
Registered User
(1/18/02 9:12 pm)
Re: A different perspective
Ari, Ari, Ari,

What you said rang so true. Yes, there is power to the lessons. Yes, take out the confining SRF manifesto parts, but appreciate the core beauty of what is offered.

When I read posts like yours, I feel full of strength, joy and happiness at pursuing the spiritual path. You stated so simply the way that Master modeled going after God and truth.

Thank you so much for sharing.

Unregistered User
(2/14/02 8:30 pm)
SRF and bhoddisattva
Bless your heart. Amen.

Registered User
(2/17/02 4:25 pm)
Re: Thank you, Ari
I very much appreciate your insights, as one who has come with a different spiritual background, viewing the teachings of SRF from an objective perspective .

Though I am disappointed that SRF and Ananda, and other similar offshoots have not been able to behave as a larger cooperative brotherhood, and although I have had my own concerns and doubts about "measuring up" to SRF standards, I find that my love for Yogananda's teachings always draws me back. I have explored other paths, and now I find an abiding devotion to:
1. Yogananda's meditation instructions and writings
2. Vedanta's rational philosophy (about the nature of the Self)

and for bhakti intoxication:
3. Ramakrisna's words, which are bliss-generating
4. Rumi's poetry

These four sources have become my heart's own treasure box of spiritual tools!
I don't worry any longer about the imperfections of devotees or even of monastics. I respect the challenges each have taken, whether in the world, or in the Ashram. I no longer look to them for approval or example, though I must say that many have provided me with spectacular and inspiring example.

I am so very grateful that this opportunity has come to me in this lifetime. I no longer allow myself to be sidetracked into dismay and doubt by the appearances of questionable things, but rather see them as something to learn from, and something to include in healing prayer sessions.

In the few fortunate years I was living in Encinitas, attending the temple there regularly, I heard only positive things about the life of the householder.... one monk saying that an unnamed Brother who left was much happier in his married life, and actually meditated more. This is simply an example I bring forward, since the question of householder vs. monastic has been questioned on this board. I heard again and again that the life of a householder was as valid, and even that it could be viewed as more difficult, i.e. took a stronger individual to live it than a renunciant's life. The pull of the daily life immersed in the secular world of business, media, and livelihood can be a challenge indeed!

One can often read into words what one mistakenly conceives rather than what the monks or nuns say.
For instance, in addition to other comments on this board, I do remember a monk saying that "Devotees have no rights!" But, do you know the context of the discussion? This was a discussion about entitlements that many individuals take on as an attitude... a right to things they have not necessarily earned but feel they are owed. It is true that the monk's statement felt jarring, yet I understood the point he was making.... that it was through self-discipline and devotion, along with God's grace that devotees would succeed, not by being guaranteed salvation because they accepted Master's teachings or are under the illusion that as SRF members they are elite. (Elitism can trouble householders as well.) I thought at the time this is similar to the belief of some Christians who hold that because one "has accepted Jesus" nothing else need be done or practiced.

It is especially helpful if one can be near a temple and attend Satsangas where questions can be asked, and where the devotee can clarify things that the monks have said in their talks. I had many of my misconceptions cleared up by attending regular services and satsangas.

It is easy to become disheartened if one demands perfection of the organization or its members. While it is wonderful for those who are in a position to make a difference and elicit improvements to do so, there is also something else we can do.... live the teachings to the best of our abilities and pray for the purity of the teachings, for the divine guidance of current and future leaders, and for the strength to keep our hearts on the polestar path Yogananda has gifted to us. He never claimed it was easy... though he said millions would come.... coming is one thing.... he also declared the difficulty of the path.... the power of maya to divert even those nearest and closest to liberation. In the end, although we may be surrounded by fellow devotees, the path is a singular and individual one, where the conversation and communion between ourselves and God exisits in the private depths of our experience. And it is to that perfection each of us is responsible first and foremost.

Edited by: kaivalya at: 2/17/02 6:04:44 pm
Registered User
(8/3/02 4:33 pm)
Yogananda leaves Yuktestwar
"Autobiography of a Yogi" Chapter 10
(I got this from @nanda's online 1st edition of A. Y.)

"You will come to me in four weeks." For the first time, Sri Yukteswar's voice was stern. "Now I have told my eternal affection, and have shown my happiness at finding you—that is why you disregard my request. The next time we meet, you will have to reawaken my interest: I won't accept you as a disciple easily. There must be complete surrender by obedience to my strict training."

I remained obstinately silent. My guru easily penetrated my difficulty.

"Do you think your relatives will laugh at you?"

"I will not return."

"You will return in thirty days."

"Never." said Yogananda.(paraphrased)

Yogananda ruturned in 28 days to his surprise.

Yukteswar accepted him as a diciple after Yogananda ignored a direct order from the guru's own lips.

Also read from chapter 10:

"I give you my unconditional love."

Precious words! A quarter-century elapsed before I had another auricular proof of his love. His lips were strange to ardor; silence became his oceanic heart.

"Will you give me the same unconditional love?" He gazed at me with childlike trust.

"I will love you eternally, Gurudeva!"

"Ordinary love is selfish, darkly rooted in desires and satisfactions. Divine love is without condition, without boundary, without change. The flux of the human heart is gone forever at the transfixing touch of pure love." He added humbly, "If ever you find me falling from a state of God-realization, please promise to put my head on your lap and help to bring me back to the Cosmic Beloved we both worship."

My comment:
If this is what really happened then Yukteswar clearly pointed out the possibility of himself falling from the path and humbly asked for help from his disciple! Hmm...wonder if it is too late for some people? (B.O.D?) This chapter poses many interesting questions for me to find answers to. I think it might help me unbrainwash myself and help me see Yogananda in a more honest light... Time will tell.

The whole chapter is worth reviewing... I have a habit of missing the forest for too much focus on the tree.

Thanks Ari, for reminding me of the forest.
=-) NONswamiji

Registered User
(1/6/03 4:46 pm)
Re: Is This the SRF Manafesto?
Dear Matti Jo;

Even Yogananda did not make all of his changes at once, he kept making them with each new edition
and probably set the example on how changes should be made without changing his meanings/teachings.

If you have any clarity of spiritual perception, you should be able to discern whether or not Yogananda actually said this or that, whether his policies have been followed. he also made some adjusments to the importance of the organization he founded/created for the great ones.

Also consider the source, Daya Mata has integrity and is in tune with the Guru as no other I know of. She had the clear ability since a young girl to see the good and make major changes in her life. Few do this in this world!

You may not agree with all that is done, but she is not the only one doing things there. some were in this work who were doing it harm, SRF had the courage to dismiss them.

Time is the test for all things i feel, Yogananda told Anandamoy the SRF would be a great and vast org in a couple of thousand years, with his prophetic abilities it will happen in a good way I hope. An organization grows like an organism, with the solid foundation of his wisdom it will still need to change as it grows, and as time changes, as all living beings do.
I think one of the greatest things this Avatar did was to clear away a lot of the worlds garbage and outdated thinking about spirituality, if they use what he left us it should survive the many challenges ahead.

Things are not as simplistic as many would have us believe.

with respect ...Astral7

Registered User
(1/6/03 4:49 pm)
Re: Is This the SRF Manafesto?
Dear Matti Jo;

Even Yogananda did not make all of his changes at once, he kept making them with each new edition
and probably set the example on how changes should be made without changing his meanings/teachings.

If you have any clarity of spiritual perception, you should be able to discern whether or not Yogananda actually said this or that, whether his policies have been followed. he also made some adjusments to the importance of the organization he founded/created for the great ones.

Also consider the source, Daya Mata has integrity and is in tune with the Guru as no other I know of. She had the clear ability since a young girl to see the good and make major changes in her life. Few do this in this world!

You may not agree with all that is done, but she is not the only one doing things there. some were in this work who were doing it harm, SRF had the courage to dismiss them.

I think one of the greatest things this Avatar did was to clear away a lot of the worlds garbage and outdated thinking about spirituality, if they use what he left us it should survive the many challenges ahead.

Things are not as simplistic as many would have us believe.

with respect ...Astral7

Registered User
(1/6/03 7:09 pm)
Re: Monastics leaving
SRF Walrus essay 7
Dear Matti Jo; Not submitted due to block??? Monday, January 06, 2003

Even Yogananda did not make all of his changes at once, he kept making them with each new edition
and probably set the example on how changes should be made without changing his meanings/teachings.

If you have any clarity of spiritual perception, you should be able to discern whether or not Yogananda actually said this or that, whether his policies have been followed. he also made some adjusments to the importance of the organization he founded/created for the great ones.

Also consider the source, Daya Mata has integrity and is in tune with the Guru as no other I know of. She had the clear ability since a young girl to see the good and make major changes in her life. Few do this in this world!

You may not agree with all that is done, but she is not the only one doing things there. some were in this work who were doing it harm, SRF had the courage to dismiss them.

Time is the test for all things i feel, Yogananda told Anandamoy the SRF would be a great and vast org in a couple of thousand years, with his prophetic abilities it will happen in a good way I hope. An organization grows like an organism, with the solid foundation of his wisdom it will still need to change as it grows, and as time changes, as all living beings do.
I think one of the greatest things this Avatar did was to clear away a lot of the worlds garbage and outdated thinking about spirituality, if they use what he left us it should survive the many challenges ahead.

Things are not as simplistic as many would have us believe.

with respect ...Astral7

Registered User
(1/6/03 8:12 pm)
Re: Monastics leaving

Are you an SRF monastic?

Registered User
(1/7/03 4:59 am)
Re: Monastics leaving
Dear Matti Jo; Monday, January 06, 2003

Even Yogananda”” did not make all of his changes at once, he kept making them with each new edition
and probably set the example on how changes should be made without changing his meanings/teachings.

If you have any clarity of spiritual perception, you should be able to discern whether or not Yogananda”” actually said this or that, whether his policies have been followed. he also made some adjustments to the importance of the organization he founded/created for the great ones.

Also consider the source, The present Successor has integrity and is in tune with the Guru as no other I know of. She had the clear ability since a young girl to see the good and make major changes in her life. Few do this in this world!

You may not agree with all that is done, but she is not the only one doing things there. some were in this work who were doing it harm, SRF had the courage to dismiss them.

Time is the test for all things i feel, Yogananda told Anandamoy the SRF”” would be a great and vast org in a couple of thousand years, with his prophetic abilities it will happen in a good way I hope. An organization grows like an organism, with the solid foundation of his wisdom it will still need to change as it grows, and as time changes, as all living beings do.
I think one of the greatest things this Avatar did was to clear away a lot of the worlds garbage and outdated thinking about spirituality, if they use what he left us it should survive the many challenges ahead.

Things are not as simplistic as many would have us believe.

with respect ...Astra 7

Registered User
(1/7/03 10:38 am)
Re: Monastics leaving

I understand you may have the same response to every post, but cutting and pasting the same response in different posts may have the "turning people off" of what you are trying to say.

Quoting Yogananda as saying SRF will be great for thousands of years, and dismissing peoples well thought out observations by saying "things aren't as simple as they seem" is a rather weak response to some of the real issues here.

Registered User
(1/9/03 9:36 pm)
Re: Proof of BOD's insecurity
Hi to "me";

Regarding SRF and lawsuits.

Self-Realization Fellowship does not persue lawsuits to discredit anyone. I will assume you made a slip of the tongue and were thinking about some othe org.
You should realize that when a cult goes low enough, stealing copyright, its own members property, abusing women on a grand scale, and encouraging others to print falsehoods about Yogananda, there have been a others who have taken up many lawsuits against Ananda. And there are other cases where kind persons who should have sued them just let it go because the had niether the time nor the resources to fight for what was right. And others who, after being abused did not have the emotional resources left to fight for years in the courts. But karma finds a way.

When it comes to protecting masters work or good name, it is wonderful that at least one organization cares enough to do something about it. It is worth every dollar spent. These court decisions will help Yogananda's work for centuries to come. The financial cost is the only one price of maintaining some truth in the face of the many who would harm his work.The least of these not being DJW.

With respect Astral7

Registered User
(1/9/03 9:40 pm)
Re: Proof of BOD's insecurity
Hi to "me";

Regarding SRF and lawsuits.

Self-Realization Fellowship does not persue lawsuits to discredit anyone. I will assume you made a slip of the tongue and were thinking about some othe org.
You should realize that when a cult goes low enough, stealing copyright, its own members property, abusing women on a grand scale, and encouraging others to print falsehoods about Yogananda, there have been a others who have taken up many lawsuits against Ananda. And there are other cases where kind persons who should have sued them just let it go because the had niether the time nor the resources to fight for what was right. And others who, after being abused did not have the emotional resources left to fight for years in the courts. But karma finds a way.

When it comes to protecting masters work or good name, it is wonderful that at least one organization cares enough to do something about it. It is worth every dollar spent. These court decisions will help Yogananda's work for centuries to come. The financial cost is the only one price of maintaining some truth in the face of the many who would harm his work.The least of these not being DJW.

With respect Astra7

Registered User
(1/9/03 11:12 pm)
Re: Proof of BOD's insecurity

I understand you may have the same response to every post, but cutting and pasting the same response in different posts may have the "turning people off" of what you are trying to say.

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