SRF Walrus
Mt. Washington, Ca
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Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(9/22/01 2:57 am)
Invasion of Privacy
To the members of this message board. With concern to fear and the right of privacy, I've drafted a statement to ward off SRF legal intrusion. Your comments appreciated....

Many members of this message board have felt the need to vent their feelings without censorship. One of the privileges not afforded to members of SRF is the right to discuss abuses of bad faith committed by the management of SRF. Therefore, the members of this board declare neutrality to any torts of defamation of character which might be leveled against the anonymous members of this message board.

Should the SRF management initiate an investigative search into the identities of participating members of this anonymous and private message board and then pursue legal action in the form of libel, the members of this board may consider such an investigation as an invasion of privacy.

The assumption of the risk of individuals reading posts on this website is exposure to possibly offensive or controversial material. If members of SRF management peruse this website and deem it defamatory or untruthful, they do so without legal recourse. The members of this message board hold no resposibility for the factuality of information posted malicious or otherwise. It is advised that all who read these posts use their own discretion and measure what is said against the facts they know to be true. This forum claims itself as a neutral zone for the exploration and testing of ideas related to the SRF experience.

It is of growing opinion that SRF is an agency bent on utilizing malicious prosecution and abuse of process in order to attain an unfair advantage over members who have been psychologically, emotionally, and possibly financially damaged by them. This advantage is manifested in the climate of fear of litigation it engenders. SRF has unlimited financial assets with which it can launch a destructive campaign against an individual of modest income. The tactics SRF has been known to take to quell criticism are legion.

Some members have made admissions to being coerced to sign pledges that restrict them from making critical judgements about SRF. Besides being a violation of the 1st ammendment of the U.S. Constitution, it is morally enslaving and debilitating to the individual.

There are two articles within the body of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights which defend the freedoms of the members of this board to speak freely, daringly, and even controversially on the issues surrounding their membership with the organization called Self-Realization Fellowhip plus the members of management which include its Board of Directors and acting President. These articles are excerpted:

from Article 12
"No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence..."

Article 19
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Any legal actions initiated by SRF against members of this site for their postings shall be considered an act of malicious prosecution and violation of their right of privacy.

It is recommended that, should SRF harrass any message board contributer, a class action be filed for proveable abuses.

Unregistered User
(9/22/01 6:28 am)
If anyone is contacted, we should make it immediately public and distribute to all the members we all have in our email lists. It would be a very public viewing of their behavior. It is probably one of the things they can not resist doing, and the one that may start their removal.

Maybe we can march to the sea and make salt?

Unregistered User
(1/9/02 11:38 am)
what can we do to help SRF
Well, I made the mistake and accidently posted my name, so lets see if they sue, but since I don't work, lets see them get anything from it, and lets see me sue for all the stress they put me under.

Notice the Noticer
Registered User
(6/21/03 1:29 pm)
Re: what can we do to help SRF
Others will know much more about this than I, but my understanding is that no lawyer will undertake a frivolous lawsuit (SRF wouldn't consider it frivolous, but anybody in their right mind would) until after doing an asset search on the person to be sued.

If you have no assets, they won't proceed. The way to "have no assets" is to form various corporate entities into which you transfer your real and private property.

Or, you could be like me and just literally have no assets. I recommend the former, though.

A friend of mine just completed this process. Though she paid for a couple of courses, she said all the information on how to do it is on the internet. www.incorporatingyou.com is one such site.

Somehow, incorporating in Nevada is supposed to be especially protective because they have more stringent privacy laws or something.

Whether or not you have fears of SRF coming after you (and I do believe they've got it in them to do so), it's apparently a good idea to shelter your assets in this ridiculously litigious society. Remember, though, that going after this board would mean publicizing it, which is definitely not to their advantage.

Registered User
(6/21/03 2:35 pm)
Re: what can we do to help SRF
Unless the Walrus knows something not posted on this board, no one has been approached by any lawyer about their messages here. There is nothing illegal about sharing opinions and talking about what has happened. There are several message about court siding with boards like this who share opinions.

For myself, I don't see anything posted here that is untrue or slanderous. Remember, to be slanderous it must not be true! During other trials the Matas have always resisted giving testimony on their own which would be required to shed light on what they do behind closed gates. They don't want that, especially since there is much more to tell than is here on this board! Let's open up their email system in a court case and view their memos out in the open! That would be great fun.

True Enuf
Registered User
(6/21/03 3:08 pm)
Re: what can we do to help SRF
Deleted: have to rein in my nasty side a bit

Edited by: True Enuf at: 6/21/03 9:15 pm
Notice the Noticer
Registered User
(6/23/03 8:01 am)
Re: what can we do to help SRF
True Enuf: aw, darn, I missed it before you nuked it. I've been thinking (a little) about reining in my rancor too, but at this point the effects of being able to finally voice my opinions are too obviously cathartic. I'm sure that manipulating my attitude would just be another way to tow the line, SRF-style. At any rate, even when I'm in one of my "higher" moods, it becomes a matter of laughing at how ridiculous they are than denying that fact. This is by way of saying to all the board readers that I sometimes feel the need to apologize but it just doesn't feel appropriate right now. It's not to suggest anything to you personally.

KS, I'm sure you're right about this board not containing slander. It's not that a lawsuit would be won by them; just that the hassle and cost of going through one can be the worst part. And what people are telling me is that the way to avoid that altogether is to hide your assets so the lawyers see they wouldn't PROFIT from making your life miserable on behalf of SRF.

I stumbled across a discussion board recently that's about SLAPP lawsuits. From the little bit I read, it seems that they're a widespread form of litigation that has to do with people, usually disgruntled employees, posting things on the internet. Though the posts are, of course, protected by the 1st amendment, the companies have the financial means to wreak havoc on the lives of the protestors (even more than they already have) through long drawn-out suits. Sigh. I sure hope this Kali Yuga transformation period gets up some steam before too long. The world is just too bizarre.

As for SRF suing, though, it's still probably not something anyone should worry about because, as I think you point out (I can't see your post right now), they wouldn't want these truths to get any more exposure than they have already.

Registered User
(6/23/03 9:30 am)
Re: what can we do to help SRF
(This message was left blank)

Edited by: chela2020 at: 6/25/03 11:42 pm
Registered User
(6/23/03 11:25 am)
Re: what can we do to help SRF
If MC lawyers ever attempted to sue any former monastic or member I hope that individual would step forward and tell the world. It would make great material for all national news sources and possibly a Movie of the Week :-)
However, I highly doubt that MC would ever go after individuals. They didn't sue the LA Weekly did they? I think those articles caused a lot of damage.

The fact that this is a topic of discussion shows how MC still has the power to instill fear in a lot of people. I was told by a monastic that a negative letter gets a lot of attention at MC because they figure one letter represents about 15 or more people. I encourage everyone to send in their letters of disapproval to the bad ladies. Maybe the adrenaline rush they get will set off a few masamadhis. No apologies necessary here.

True Enuf
Registered User
(6/23/03 9:00 pm)
Re: what can we do to help SRF
Notice, ah, those higher and lower moods. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em, and we’re always manipulating ‘em, when they’re not manipulating us! Anyway, cathartic is one thing, nasty is another. It’s not about waste of time guilt. I take responsibility for- and have to be able to stand by- what I say. The edit feature allows me to rectify as I see fit, although I of course can't eradicate my original decision to write something that I later feel was simply a descent into mere taunting. BTW, it wasn’t all that good: you didn’t miss much. Don’t expect consistent application of the above either. In future I’ll probably forget half the time writing even nastier things, one of the base joys of getting old.

I’m not so sure we have to worry about getting sued by SRF. I believe their suing days are over. It’s quite possible their cash inflows (donations and earnings from assets) are greatly exceeded by their expenses, perhaps to the point of being perilously near out of dough, although real estate assets remain. Now some big corporations practiced the stealing of patents and inventions from the little guys with virtual impunity, certain that they did not have the means to engage in protracted litigation. In the rare instances that David won against Goliath, it was too little, too late, the damage was already done. But only the big guys could muster the enormous resources to carry out this type of legalized theft and they clearly had assessed all the risk/reward aspects beforehand. I just don’t think SRF has the spare money to pursue much of anything these days.

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