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Ramsses II
Registered User
(12/13/05 6:21 pm)

by Andrew Cohen

A monumental shift has occurred in my teaching work over the last few weeks. Many of my students (after nearly twenty years of effort on my part) have finally, as crazy as it sounds, started to directly experience and express the very essence of what this teaching points to—a goal that until now I’ve seen only in the eye of my own mind and in rare, temporary bursts of collective enlightened consciousness. It’s a vision I’ve held ever since I first began to realize, not long after my own awakening, that what I was teaching was different from the kind of enlightenment I had been taught. What is sweeping through my body of students now is the very potential that I was seeing when, many years ago, I first described the difference between personal enlightenment and impersonal enlightenment as “the difference between a burning match and a raging forest fire.”

At that time, I was beginning to make the radical and, dare I say, revolutionary distinction between the experience of consciousness beyond ego in an inner, subjective context and that same experience of egoless consciousness in an intersubjective context—one in which all boundaries between inner and outer, self and other, self and world, have been shattered. It became apparent to me that unless the experience of enlightenment could transcend the boundaries of the individual, the “enlightened one,” its ultimate power and capacity to effect deep change and profound transformation in this world would be inherently limited. But if the individual human vessel became truly transparent, then the impersonal ground of egoless consciousness could become the very foundation and context for relatedness. I’ve always intuitively known that if such a momentous shift would occur, all bets would be off and what would become possible for human beings to accomplish together would be unimaginable. Enlightenment beyond the personal, liberation beyond the individual, the consciousness of One being shared by the many in a context of multiplicity and relatedness.

For all these years I have been single-pointedly pursuing this end, having long ago lost interest in the spiritual experience of the individual outside of the context of a much larger endeavor—the evolution of consciousness itself. I had seen glimpses of this miraculous potential emerge in the past often enough to know that I wasn’t completely mad and that what I was seeing in my intuition was indeed real. The most significant of these eruptions in consciousness was on July 30, 2001, and has been documented by my students on this site. To my amazement and deep joy, a reemergence of this same egoless consciousness beyond the individual occurred here at the EnlightenNext World Center in Lenox, Massachusetts, only three weeks ago. When it first began to reveal itself, I instinctively held my breath, assuming it would not be sustained but would fade out as these sparks of new consciousness have always done in the past. However, after almost a month of consistent burning forth throughout my student body, not only here but in our centers around the world, I realized that I had to accept that a ground-shift is indeed occurring, the likes of which has never happened before. At last, it seems that this precious vision of evolutionary enlightenment is emerging in a stable context—a context in which it can for the first time begin to develop or evolve. The future is entering into the present moment!

This culminated last weekend in a large gathering of my students from around the world at the EnlightenNext Center, in which for the first time I publicly declared this victory. In a full day of talks and dialogues, I described the evolution and development of my own teaching and philosophy over the last twenty years—what it has taken to get to this point, the level of integrity and authenticity demanded in the individual soul to sustain it, the deep structures of the human ego that I’ve unearthed in my battle to bring this into being, and the thrilling implications for our individual and collective future. Above and beyond anything else, what I tried to make clear was that this is not the end—it is only the beginning . . .

In the words of a few of my students:

A roaring energy is emerging—wild and uncontainable, surging forward fast, wanting only the highest expressions of ourselves here and now. A force-field of consciousness has been unleashed so powerful that we can only surrender to it, and at the same time, we are the expression of it, as ourselves. And we are more ourselves than ever before! –S.S.

The experience of this new consciousness is not some hazy glow; it is a fierce clarity born of profound relaxation. Gone are the fears of losing this—there is a knowledge of the stability of consciousness itself, inherently free and stable even as it propels us forward at light speed. –C.P.
There is a resonance, a new depth of understanding and clarity that keeps this constant surge forward into the unknown future happening. It’s not passive understanding—it’s voracious and expanding so fast I can’t hold on to it. This consciousness will never be fixed or held in one place or by any one person. It is continuously exploding outwards through the engagement of so many hearts and minds at once. –K.M.

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